For Organisers

Call for entries – the process


  • Set up an account and get your organisation’s unique url.
  • Create a call with all the features you want.
  • Open for submissions


  • Get automatic entry onto the OLIST and reach thousands of artists
  • Advertise to your own audience


  • Get submissions from artists
  • Payment for entries is set up through your own Stripe account so you receive the submission fee directly from the artist
  • Artists can return during the open call to edit their entries


  • Set up secure logins for selectors
  • Choose different selectors for different events
  • Selectors can return during the selection time to edit their entries


  • Select final list of artworks by score
  • Customise the results messages to artists
  • Download reports
  • Download successful artworks for promotional purposes
  • Create online exhibition (currently a free optional extra)


Build your brand

  • Grow your reach – Enhance the reputation of your organisation by holding open calls
  • Focus on what matters – Save time on admin and apply it to marketing strategy
  • No limits – There is no limit to the number of calls you can run. Multiple calls can be run concurrently
  • Engage your public – Raise greater awareness of your exhibition by inviting public votes. Artists share the link, growing your audience with every call


  • No additional fees for support – We make sure everyone has the best possible experience with one-on-one support
  • Stay top of mind – we send out a 7 day and a 48 hour reminder to all artists who’ve signed up for our OLIST alerts
  • Run by artists for artists – All members of the OESS team are artists who regularly submit work for calls and manage calls. We have first hand experience of administering, selecting and submitting work for open calls so we understand the needs of all users

Secure system

  • Stay in control – Secure payment process integrated with your own Stripe account. Funds go directly into your account so you are always in control of the finances
  • Robust infrastructure to handle the high volume of last minute surges of artist submissions
  • Permission-based access – Access to the OESS system is limited to the functions and data required for each role, whether artist, selector or administrator
  • Compliant – Data management is compliant with GDPR and EU regulations


  • Draft your call – Open calls can be prepared and kept in draft mode until you are ready to launch them
  • Nothing is carved in stone – Call information can be edited at any stage – even after opening
  • Suit your needs – Add custom questions to gather information that is uniquely relevant to your call
  • Editable messages – All messaging to artists is fully editable at any stage in the process
  • Take a break – Selectors can come back into the system to pick up where they left off, or review their choices up to the selection deadline
  • Application – Can be used for organisers of creative exhibitions, festivals, awards, competitions

Maximum value

  • Only pay for what you use – No monthly subscription fees. No hidden extra costs. All of our features are available to every client
  • Free, directed publicity – Free inclusion of your call in the monthly OLIST artist opportunities email
  • Free reminders – Free email reminders to OLIST subscribers
  • Free support – Free support to all users
  • Free online gallery – Free optional online exhibition


  • Reports at every stage of the process – All artist data can be downloaded in .csv format directly from the OESS system
  • A home away from home – Every client gets a dedicated URL for their dashboard and calls
  • No explaining – All the information for selection is already online and available to selectors as soon as they log in
  • No chasing money – All applicants pay at the point of submission, directly into your Stripe account

Reduced carbon footprint

  • For administrators – No more paper submission to deal with when your submission process goes online
  • For selectors – Online selection increases convenience and saves on travel for selectors. Selection can be done anywhere at a convenient time
  • For artists – Online selection means that artists only need to arrange transport for their artwork if it is selected
  • For visitors – the online exhibition option allows for visitors from anywhere in the world

Online exhibition

  • Free online gallery – currently available at no extra cost
  • Flexible viewing options – View by artwork, thumbnail, or artist
  • Artist pages include social media links, biographies, artist statements and artwork details
  • Curating tools to group artworks into ‘Rooms’